Top 10 longest books ever written

King talked to time about his top 10 biggest books, reflecting on the circumstances under which they were written and the critical reception that they received. Not only had he been called an idiot to his face, but he could do nothing to counter that. Kings latest, under the dome, is his third longest novel ever. Brave new world is a most popular novel by aldous huxley and published in. My french edition of harry potter and the order of the phoenix is the longest book i. From his home in spain he journeys to the markets of tangiers and across the egyptian desert to a fateful encounter with the alchemist.

Ive only seen the movie, but it was so emotional that i couldnt stop thinking about it for days afterward. Best science fiction books decorulez97 top 10 book series for teens most influential books of all time vinyl top ten saddest books top 10 scariest books of all time beatlesboy9 top ten reasons why books are better than movies winner333 top ten best book series top ten. It is the longest japanese novel and also one of the longest ever written. The novels mentioned above are some of the longest books ever written, which allow the reader to stay immersed in the stories and live the characters for a great amount of time. We use cookies and other data collection technologies to provide the best experience for our customers. Its hard to define exactly what constitutes a long novel, as some come in more than one volume, which is counted, but others are more of. Rated the longest novel ever by the guinness book of world records, theres no doubt that prousts masterpiece could quite easily double up as a mightily effective doorstop, with volumes clocking up nearly 1. The list also exaggerates the importance of rhyme in english poetry. Jul 18, 2017 if you love to laugh then youre in luck, because weve gathered 50 of the funniest books of all time on this cantmiss list. The 10 greatest books ever, according to 125 top authors. These are certainly some of the books that have been considered some of the most controversial books ever published. This is arguably one of the funniest crime novels ever written. From don quixote to american pastoral, take a look at the 100 greatest novels of all time the 100 greatest nonfiction books the 2015 version of the 100 best novels.

Related for top 10 longest novel books in the world. Its theme of involuntary memory is repeated through the course of following the narrators life, from childhood to adulthood. Dec 31, 2017 the 100 best nonfiction books of all time. While there may be thousands of books to listen to on audible, with plenty that are very long, only one can claim the top as the longest book on this website that book, of course, being the holy bible.

It is supposedly the worlds longest published novel in english at 2. Top ten tuesday is hosted by that artsy reader girl. The 7 longest books in american history america fun fact. Politics and war, science and sports, memoir and biography theres a great big world of nonfiction books out there just waiting to be read. Its impacted the world in more ways than any other book can claim. The 9 strangest books of all time for readers unafraid of. This is our grand attempt to bring you a comprehensive overview of the best of the best in the mystery genre. This is a french novel written in 10 sequences which was published in the 17th century. Nov 09, 2009 kings latest, under the dome, is his third longest novel ever. Polgara the sorceress is the longest book i have read in english at 754 pages. The 31 most influential books ever written about business. It took up,095 pages spread over 10 volumes, with over two million words, and a french name which.

This weeks topic is the longest books ive ever read. The 10 greatest books ever, according to 125 top authors download them for free in books september 25th, 20 212 comments. Books top 10 longest novels in the english language books 10 book predictions that really came true. I love a long book that i can really get into, so i decided to compile a list of the longest novels ever written. On top of everything else the russian master accomplished in this historical. Top 10 longest books on my tbr october 2016 elena reads books. Dec, 2016 the 9 strangest books of all time for readers unafraid of taking a risk. Poor fellow my country by xavier herbert this is the longest australian novel ever written at 850,000 words. These books span the course of written history, and theyre all utterly bizarre. Oct 15, 2016 top 10 longest books on my tbr october 2016 elena reads books. The house on mango street by sandra cisnerosthis modern classic, about a latina girl growing up in chicago, has been translated and taught all over the world. Nov 28, 2017 top ten best screenplays ever written. The writers guild of america wga published this list of the top ten best screenplays ever written and i would have to agree.

Top 20 best self help books of all time matt morris. Isolating the 10 scariest novels of all time is essentially impossible. This is the longest australian novel ever written at 850,000 words. Time magazines alltime 100 best nonfiction books 101. The alchemist is the magical story of santiago, an andalusian shepherd boy who wants to travel in search of an extravagant treasure. Top 10 longest novels in the english languagetop 10 longest novels in the english languagei love a long book that i can really get into, so i decided to compile a list of the longest novels ever written. Honestly, the longest book ive ever read is probably a boring textbook that ive blocked from my memory. The new york times best sellers april 26, 2020 authoritatively ranked lists of books sold in the united states, sorted by format and genre. Click here to view the alltime 100 best nonfiction books on. And while it is incredibly sad, it is also inspiring and hopeful at the same time. If you want to be a screenwriter you have to read screenplays. Top 10 longest novel books in the world world most. He decided that today was perhaps the longest day of his life. Anyway, here are the longest books ever written by american authors.

If you love to laugh then youre in luck, because weve gathered 50 of the funniest books of all time on this cantmiss list. Top 10 longest novels in the english language listverse. Porras took eighteen truly exceptional and longlasting companies and studied each in direct comparison to one of its top. Here is a list of 12 novels that, for various reasons, have been considered some of the greatest works of literature ever written. The 9 strangest books of all time for readers unafraid of taking a risk. I will just put two books on this list, although i have read many long books.

From the dark and dry to the witty and wry, from the fictive to the factual, from travel logs to comedic blogs, this extensive collection of humor both classic and new inclu. The writers guild of america wga published this list of the top ten best. The list of books and their page counts was supplied by kings office and refers to the american hardcover editions. Its hard to define exactly what constitutes a long novel, as some come in more than one volume, which is counted, but others are more of a series like the harry potter. Top ten best screenplays ever written indie film hustle. Its hard to define exactly what constitutes a long novel, as some come in more than one volume, which is counted, but others are more of a series like the harry continue reading.

There is no doubt that reading a book allows the mind to travel to distant places, learn new things or simply allow us to. The book has over 3,277,227 words which counted in pages are 7312. There is no scientific proof with which to bolster our claims. Oct 09, 2015 the 10 funniest books of all time these ten books are, imho, the funniest and wittiest that have ever been written. Jan 15, 2007 but what ifjust for arguments sakeyou got insanely rigorous about it. Some books will allow us to do those things more than others, and very few publications will allow us to do all those things while keeping us entertained for many weeks. Its arranged in three columns, which sometimes include collages, and the total word count is around 1,100,000, making it the longest novel ever to be written in one volume. These forms of lists are comprised of books that leave a burning trail of fear in our hearts. This books is considered to be the longest published book in. Clavells written memories became his first novel, king rat.

We may earn a small comission from the companies or products mentioned in this post. If youve made it all the way through any of these, give yourself a pat on the back. And i thought the stand was long its only 1168 pages. Top 10 longest novels in the english language top 10 longest novels in the english languagei love a long book that i can really get into, so i decided to compile a list of the longest novels ever written.

Here is the list of some of the longest books ever. Ten of the worlds longest books for reading addicts. As i did more research, i realized that there were many issues i had to take into consideration when deciding what to include on this list. Its hard to define exactly what constitutes a long novel, as some come in more than one volume, which is counted, but others are more of a series like the harry potter books, which arent allowed as the books were published separately and were mainly selfcontained. Naturally, opinion is sometimes divided on how exactly to measure length pages, words, or even characters, so its an approximate guide however, if you ever manage to get all the way through even one of these, you have our eternal respect. Hear from gm nigel davies, im greg shahade, im john bartholomew. These are definitely not the 10 greatest poems ever written. Ive included links to the amazon pages on the off chance you actually want to buy these books. We hope you will get interested in some of them and actually read them of course if you have a lot of free time in your daily schedule. Here is a list of 10 most controversial books to have ever been released. It contains 3,958 pages in four volumes and took 10 years to complete.

Theres no better place to start than then reading the masters of the craft. Top 10 longest books on my tbr october 2016 youtube. A list of the top best 100 mystery books ever written. Is it a novel with beautiful, captivating figurative language. We asked 10 titled players for their opinion on the best chess books ever written. Fancy something a bit more challenging for your next read. Weve previously covered the top 25 mystery books, but a list of 25 is by nature quite restrictive. Top 10 longest novels ever written 10 romance of the three kingdoms luo guanzhong 800,000 words. Top 10 longest books in the world 2018 update articles. Twilight series 2007 by stephanie meyer sleep, my bella. He continued to write about japan, and other areas of asia, in his subsequent novels, including gaijin. Because of the openended nature of the question, we received an interesting variety of responses. Bonus points if you actually understood what you were reading.

The 7 longest books in america the longest novel ever published was written in the 1600s. Either that or this list maker has never read any of them. The top 10 book chosen by 125 top writers from the book the top 10 edited by j. It should be the 10 most famous and memorable poems. We list below the ten longest, most epic novels ever created. But savoring a book of, say, 800 pages or longer is a project. Nevertheless, here is a list of the worlds top 10 longest books in terms of. The longest novel is artamene ou le grand cyrus, originally published 164954 in ten parts, each part in three volumes. At 852,000 words it remains the longest australian novel ever written, and some.

You went to all the bigname authors in the worldfranzen, mailer, wallace, wolfe, chabon, lethem, king, 125 of them and got each one to cough up a top10 list of the greatest books of all time. The 10 funniest books of all time these ten books are, imho, the funniest and wittiest that have ever been written. Greta garbo in anna karenina greta garbo in anna karenina 1935, directed by clarence brown. We pick the 100 best and most influential written in english since 1923, the beginning of time. This is a list of the novels over 500,000 words published through a mainstream publisher. We all need a little love in our lives, and one way to get it is in the pages of swoonworthy novels. The 25 best childrens books ever written readers digest. But what ifjust for arguments sakeyou got insanely rigorous about it. It is set in the 1930s, and its main character is buddy sandifer, a used car. From the dark and dry to the witty and wry, from the fictive to the factual, from travel logs to comedic blogs, this extensive collection of humor both classic and new includes something for everyone. Oct 17, 2014 top 10 longest books in the world 2018 update by katerina s october 17, 2014 the length of a book is usually at least among the readers considered to be the number of pages from cover to cover.

Compiling a list of longest novels yields different results depending on whether pages, words or characters are counted. Oct 12, 2003 from don quixote to american pastoral, take a look at the 100 greatest novels of all time the 100 greatest nonfiction books the 2015 version of the 100 best novels. It is not just the most printed book, its also revered by the most number of people in the world nearly half the planets population. Jan 31, 2019 we all need a little love in our lives, and one way to get it is in the pages of swoonworthy novels. The word count for clarissa was obtained after it was digitized by the project gutenberg, and it is a bit shy of one hundred thousand, making it one of the longest english novels ever written. Heres a list of some of the worst books i could find. Anna karenina by leo tolstoy anna karenina tells of the doomed love affair between the sensuous and rebellious anna and the dashing officer, count vronsky. The longest literary works ever written mental itch. You are the only one who has ever touched my heart. A glorious mess in a career of glorious messes, pynchons longest and. I remember reading it when i was like eight and i really enjoyed it and thought it was a very deep and well written book.

The 7 longest books in american history america fun fact of. The novel takes place at 4am in the luneburg heath in germany, and the main character is called daniel pagenstecher. Top 10 longest books in the world 2018 update 1 the blah story by nigel tomm. Character count is at best an estimation of spaces, written characters and. The best short books youll ever read readers digest.

We asked teachers, librarians, and parents and examined bestseller lists to come up with the most beloved books that should be on every. So i maintain that every book ever written is just a. We asked ten titled players this question and this article will share their answers. The millions started its difficult books seriesdevoted to identifying the hardest and most frustrating books ever written, as well as what made them so hard.